Acupuncture and its Electromagnetic Power
'‘Balancing the body’s energy, acupuncture weaves healing through delicate points.”
The Chinese first became aware of the principles of Acupuncture more than 5000 years ago. Warriors reported discovering certain physical maladies that began to improve aCer receiving puncture wounds during sword fights. Chinese physicians begin to take note of the correlatons between the puncture sites and improved health.
The doctors theorized that Qi - the energy or life force that circulates throughout the body - and which carries with it, our bodies, blood, and oxygen, was actvated from the puncture wounds. As Qi moves, its mo4on ensures the healthy functoning of all bodily systems, including organs and cells. All living sen4ent beings, including plants, have Qi.
Using ultrasound, scientists found connections throughout the body-- Imagine a wrapped mummy. Named ‘meridians’, these interconnecting pathways lay across sheets of connective tissue that surround the organs of the body as well. Scientists have found that 80% of acupuncture points correlated with major connective tissue planes along these meridian fields. By puncturing the body in specific places, physicians found they were able to simulate the body’s Qi to move, balance and restore itself.
Numerous studies and clinical experience have found that acupuncture stimulates the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands which increase immune func4on while improving one’s mental state. Acupuncture acts in the brain structures to control mood, sleep, appetite, drug addiction and food cravings.
Doctors routinely prescribe Acupuncture for pain management and substance addic4ons. Acupuncture lowers levels of neural transmitters such as norepinephrine, and dopamine which are often elevated in people who experience stress and pain. Acupuncture has shown to be helpful with clinical depression and sleep disorders.
Acupuncture helps both depression and pain by releasing endorphins and serotonin, which enhances the body’s ability to heal itself. Brain scans have shown decreased activity in the limbic system -- the area of the brain that controls feelings and emotion -- during and following Acupuncture.
Because Acupuncture needles are metal, they have their own invisible electromagnetic energy field. As needles are inserted into the body, they release, charge, convert, and balance Qi. This body-needle connection allows for a renewed revitalization or a changing and shifting of life force energy flowing throughout the body.
All Acupuncture needles are sterile and packaged for one time use only.
Acupuncture treatment is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM teaches us to view the body as a whole system that is interconnected and interdependent upon each part of itself to work synergistically.
The symbols of Yin and Yang represent many different things including cold, hot, up, down, darkness and light. While Yin and Yang are indeed opposite, they are complimentary and forever interconnected. One always flows into the other, as the waves are to the sea, or as night becomes the day, and day again becomes the night. Yin-Yang energies are always in a state of fluidity and flux. They ultimately balance each other out. One does not function without the other. Change will always happen in life as in nature.
The ecosystem within our bodies work similarly to this dance of Yin and Yang. When our Qi is strong, vibrant, and balanced, our physical, mental, and emotional beings is as well. Equilibrium matters. As we go out into the world creating our lives and touching others with our energetic presence, we function much better when we are feeling well, eating healthy and getting enough sleep. When we are emotionally balanced and in touch with ourselves and others, we vibrate with wellness, and vitality.
All of us are distinctive and have different needs. We feel best when we know what our needs are. Learning and using the recipe to your unique ‘secret sauce’ when it comes to nutrition, sleep, exercise, sexuality, communication, creativity, and meditation is a wonderful way to empower and invest in yourself. Knowledge is power.
A seasoned Acupuncturist will be able to ascertain the best placement of needles for your unique needs and desires, guiding you to where you need to be in all areas of whole beingness.
Many of my parents experience a deeply profound relaxing effect, a feeling of peace and tranquility while resting during their treatments. It is important to find a practitioner with whom you connect and feel comfortable. Find a practitioner with whom you can honestly share, about your health, emo4ons, and lifestyle choices. Find one who gets you!
I liken an acupuncture treatment to taking our cars into the shop for a tune-up. Our cars take us out into the world, helping us to explore, while serving as our vehicles to get us from here to there and back again. If our cars are not working properly, become run down or in need of repair, important and everyday activities in our lives become more difficult or impossible to complete. We all need a well working vehicle to function
properly. Metaphorically, our bodies are our vehicle. Who among us have not admired a beautiful, shining well-functioning car?